Tuesday, November 3, 2015

How happy are you, out of 10?

Geography of Bliss is a book of Eric Weiner that challenges your happiness in life. How happy are you? Maybe you think that you are happy but maybe you try hard to be happy.  Or it may be that, like Eric Weiner before he began his quest, you are addicted to sadness. 
Weiner is looking for the finding of the happiest country in the world. For me, it is Puerto Rico. But, Buthan is rated as one of the most happiest places in the world. But, what our author find in his research?
There our author finds both the expected and the unexpected. In happiness terms, extroverts beat introverts. But there are some things that make us happy but are not necessary for happiness. For example, while marriage brings joy and happiness, having children confers no advantage. And although university degrees make us happier, advanced degrees bring us down.
How is all this happiness measured?  "How happy are you, out of 10?" They reckon the results are reliable. Which is cheering for Weiner as he embarks on his quest.
Bhutan's happiness is indeed high. Why? Karma Ura, who runs the country's only thinktank, explains how great expectations seed happiness and unhappiness. Every evening, he tells Weiner, he is happy simply to have lived the day well, and to be able to say: "It was OK". 
So, we must evaluate our days and grade our lives. For me, I am very happy and living in Puerto Rico makes me more happy than other person in the world. 


  1. Indeed we must evaluate our life to see how happy we really are. I think this is a very good analysis of the reading.

  2. I don't know if I can answer that question. Probably not. I do think we should be able to answer ir. I loved what you wrote in this blog.

  3. The title, the way you organize and the way you find a relationship with the story.
